Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7th--Decision Day--Let the People Speak!

Over the past few days we all have been inundated with despicable sleaze in a desperate attempt to distract us from the real issues which are PUBLIC SAFETY, TAXES, YOUTH,  SENIORS, JOBS, PMUA, and ROADS.

Today is our opportunity to send a clear message that we will not tolerate incompetence, cronyism, and the same old status quo.  Today is a day of renewal and freshness.  Today is the day we can begin to heal.  Today is your day, Plainfield.  Get out the vote for...

Honest, Ethical, Leadership for Plainfield (H.E.L.P)


Your vote will make the difference…make it count!!!!

And yes, its okay to vote for someone who lives with “mommy.”  Our seniors deserve to be treated with decency and respect. Let’s show them how much we care and vote to remove the behemoth political machine.  Let’s make it happen!!!!

Yours truly,


1 comment:

  1. I cant wait to go out today and vote for you. Anyone that lives with Mommy to help out is OK with me!
