Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Right on Target for Change

Collaborating and connecting: the team for change!

As I walk through the streets of our city, meeting and greeting residents, the issues and concerns for many are the same.  Although the First and Fourth Wards are different in nature, the cry for Honest, Ethical, Leadership for Plainfield is echoed.  The residents speak of their displeasure with the current administration, of high taxes, public safety, education, PMUA, roads, the budget…you name it, there is a genuine concern.

Residents are excited to see a new face, to hear a new voice, and to welcome the change that is coming to Plainfield.  They are fatigued by the same old status quo.  They are disheartened to observe our elected officials wrangling with one another.  They would rather see the officials lay aside politics and meet their needs instead. They, like President Obama, embrace “change we all can believe in.”  They profoundly support grassroots efforts to get the job done, and that is what our campaign is about. You have seen us as we knock on doors in your neighborhood. We are all volunteers, community people who care about Plainfield, and who are devoted to doing what it takes to improve our city.

It is a sad commentary when the news media and others portray Plainfield as a city without a vision. Without a vision, the people will certainly perish.  The city of Plainfield has great potential and its residents deserve the best.  We are all aware of the economic constraints placed on us by the local, state, and federal government.  However, we can forge ahead and make this city a model city.  Progress comes when everyone has a mind to work.

I am proud to be that new face and voice that is right on target for change.  I am my own person who is not beholden to anyone other than the Spirit that lives within me.  I stand for truth and speak from my heart. 
JUNE 7th is approaching fast and the train is already on the tracks for change.  Will you get on board or will you be left behind?  There is a simple formula that will effect change in Plainfield.  You will find it in COLUMN C in the voting booth.  The formula is:

  Connection + Collaboration = CHANGE.  

As we connect and collaborate with each other, change will be the result.

Yours truly,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Roads...Do You Mean Holes?

What more can I say?  Our roads are in terrible condition and in desperate need of repairs.  Sometimes you ride along the streets and feel like you are in a war zone. Swerving to avoid a pothole, nearly causing an accident and bouncing along to the rhythm of the beat.  Damaging tires, struts, shocks, axles and yourself.

Where is the City Administration in all of this?  When will funds be allocated to get the repairs done?  Who will be first in line to receive the repairs?  Inquiring minds want to know!    

Yours truly,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gang Violence…Who is to Blame?

Crime has increased in Plainfield over the last year. Who is to blame? Blame it on the parents, blame it on the teachers, blame it on the police, blame it on the alcohol, blame it on the drugs, blame it on the economy. The list goes on and on where to place blame. However, we all must take responsibility for what is happening in our city and commit to making a difference.

Plainfield Senior Center hosted a Gang Violence Lecture on April 28th. Several youth were in attendance but mostly seniors were present. The presenter, Jack Farrell of UMDNJ, highlighted an in-depth overview of gangs, their activities and the end results. It was fashioned in such a way that made it easy to understand.

Our youth are dying at an alarming rate. Where do you stand? The presenter asked a very pertinent question. “What state does not have gang activity?” Someone named Alaska, another Hawaii, yet another Montana. 

The answer to the question is, there is only one state that has no gang activity…that is the STATE of DENIAL. Are you in denial?

Yours truly,

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Neighborhood Health Services Open House

This past Wednesday, April 27th, I had the distinct honor of attending the Neighborhood Health Services Corporations’s Annual Board of Directors Open House at the Myrtle Avenue facility, located in Plainfield's 4th Ward. Board Chairperson Siddeeq El-Amin, along with the other board members and the staff, hosted a wonderful event that really made our city shine.

The open house showed that Plainfield is on the move with state-of-the-art medical services provided to its residents and the surrounding areas. A tour of the facility, catered delicacies, the raising of a new flag, and information-sharing were all a part of the well-planned event and set the tone for the evening. The facility is very well-maintained, and a welcoming environment awaits each visitor. The reception was warm, inviting, and well-attended by state and local elected officials, including  my running mate, Councilman Cory Storch, our Congressman Frank Pallone, and Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs.
Plainfield, like other municipalities, deserves the best and should be proud of its accomplishments. Again, a very special "thank you" to Siddeeq, the board, and the staff for putting the "neighborhood health" of Plainfield first!

Yours truly,